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Document Management
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Document Management - My Methods
What's in this section?
Video: How I do document management
Resource: Folder Structure Template
Devise and Build your own System
What's in this section?
Video: Devise and Build your own System
Resource: MacOS 'Finder' Instructions
Resource: MacOS 'Finder' Keyboard Shortcuts
Resource: Windows 'File Explorer' Keyboard Shortcuts
Resource: MIT Paper on File Management
Test your Knowledge
Wrapping Up
Questions & Feedback
Certificate of Completion (CPD)
Test your Knowledge
True or False: A study has shown that professionals spend more time looking for information than actually reading it.
Without a good file management system time will be wasted (select two answers):
Making tea
Looking for files
Cracking the Enigma code
Deciding where files should be stored
The basic building block in a paperless structure is:
A filing cabinet in which to store floppy disks
A file folder on your computer or in the cloud
A three-button gaming mouse
Several extra computer monitors
Storing files 'in the cloud' means:
You can never find them due to cloud vapour
You will spend a lot on airline tickets
Files are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection and the correct login credentials
Everything is up in the air
Creating an effective file management system requires:
A doctorate in logistics and supply-chain management
A little (or a lot) of advance planning
Working knowledge of the main computer programming languages
A folder in an effective file management system should ideally contain no more than:
2-3 sub-folders
3-7 sub-folders
8-15 sub-folders
15-30 sub-folders
File names should:
Conceal the subject-matter of the file
Confuse the end-user of the file
Reveal something about the subject-matter of the file
A File Naming Convention should be (select two answers):
Held at a Convention Centre
Difficult to understand
True or False: File Management Systems require zero maintenance after initial setup.
Older files that need to be kept can be:
Dumped in the 'old stuff' folder
Consolidated into a sub-folder
Printed out and stored in a warehouse
Older files that do not need to be kept should be regularly:
Identified and deleted
Dumped in the 'old stuff' folder